
How to keep your breath fresh and your mouth clean

Here are some simple (yet effective!) tips for keeping your breath fresh, and your mouth as clean as it can be!

  1. Always brush before you leave the house. Not only will this stop any food from sitting in your mouth and rotting your teeth, but it will also keep your smile bright and breath smelling good.
  2. Floss regularly. Although it may not seem like such a big deal, flossing can greatly improve the status of your oral health, by helping to remove recalcitrant plaque build-ups and get into those hard-to-reach places in between your teeth.
  3. Keep some dental floss and chewing gum in your car or backpack. This has to be a lifesaver when it comes to rushing around on a busy day. If your happen to miss your morning brushing ritual or have a particularly nasty case of coffee-breath, you can give your teeth a quick freshening on the go, until you can get back home to your trusty toothbrush.
  4. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Doing so will ensure that food and sugars will not sit on your teeth, protecting yourself from oral decay, and washing away any unpleasant smells.

There you have it! We also recommend you see your dentist regularly, and brush the minimum twice a day for at least 2 minutes!

Do you have any special tips you use to stay your best on the go? Let us know in the comments below, or on our Facebook or Twitter:



– Ryan